Thursday, June 20, 2013

Animal Jam: New Items in Jam-Mart Furniture!

Hey guys, ilovedogs20212 here, And today I saw that 3 New Items we're being sold in Jam-Mart Furniture today, They are:

Small Painted Pot
Skinny Painted Pot
And last Pottery Wheel

                                                                     I don't know
                                          if I am quite happy that these items are back, Because
                                         they we're Beta, Any ideas why Beta's are coming back out?
                                                         Because I have NO IDEAAAA.

Animal Jam: Mystical Morning Music

Hey guys! ilovedogs20212 here, And I came in the Diamond Shop today, And saw the Diamond Shop music was FOR SALE! Its nice, soothing music, But I am saving my gems for the Phoenix Armor.

                                                              Mystical Morning
It is beautiful music, But like I said saving up! ;)
What New Items do you think will come to the Diamond Shop later on?
Tell me in the comments please!!!!!!!! :)

Animal Jam: Phoenix Armor and Adventures!

Hey guys! ilovedogs20212 here, And today's New Item can be found in The Diamond Shop! ( of course )
Its is........

                                                                    Phoenix Armor!

I think Phoenix Armor has something to do with Adventures.....

The Phoenix Armor is sold in The Diamond Shop, it has 5 different pieces to it:
And the Tail
Each part is sold for different diamonds, 
Head costs 1
Necklace costs 1
Wings cost 2
Feet cost 1
And the Tail Costs 2
Be sure to check out The Phoenix Armor sold in The Diamond Shop!!!!!!
( Members Only ) :)